Mysteries of computers for the wary are unlocked in Cullen

COMPUTERS ARE BEING used to access the internet almost on a daily basis by around 80% of the Scottish population.

Yet still many people in Moray are being left behind through simply not understanding how it all comes together.

Moray Council’s library service is continuing to do their bit in breaking through those barriers that remain, however, with ICT ‘taster’ sessions still being held in libraries throughout the region.

The latest free sessions are being offered to people in and around the Cullen library. These will be taking place from 10am until 12noon on Wednesday, July 5 and again on Wednesday, July 19.

All sessions present an opportunity to learn the skills required in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere – no pressure, learn at your own pace and soon the mysteries held on computers can become much more clear.

Places can be booked in advance by calling the Elgin library on 01343 562603.